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How to Delete Your Account in Brite

Deleting your Brite account is a permanent action that removes your profile and all associated data from the platform. Here’s how you can proceed with account deletion:
1. Access Profile Settings: Open the Brite app or the web version. If you're using the web version, navigate to the left side menu and click on the profile icon located at the bottom. This will take you to your personal profile page.
2. Navigate to Settings: Once in your profile, look for the settings option. In the profile settings, scroll down to find the "Delete Account" button.
3. Delete Account: Click on the "Delete Account" button. A confirmation message will appear, asking you to confirm your decision to delete your account.
4. Confirm Deletion: Confirm that you wish to delete your account. Upon confirmation, your account will be permanently deleted, and you will be signed out.
Important Consideration: Before you delete your account, please note that this action is irreversible. Once your account is deleted, all your data, including tasks, notes, habits, and other personal information, will be permanently removed and cannot be restored.
Consider backing up any important information or reconsidering your decision if you think you might need access to your Brite account in the future.
If you have any questions or need assistance with account deletion, please reach out to Brite support for help.