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How to Focus Better with ADHD 8 Game Changing Tips

Focusing with ADHD can feel like flipping through TV channels with a broken remote. The channels change randomly, and sometimes you get stuck on one channel for hours. People with ADHD have plenty of attention, but they need help directing it properly. Here are eight practical tips to help you focus better with ADHD.

Understanding ADHD and Focus Challenges

The Dopamine Connection

People with ADHD often have trouble with dopamine, a chemical in the brain that helps with motivation, pleasure, and focus. If dopamine isn't working well, it's hard to stay motivated and focused, especially on tasks that aren't interesting or rewarding. But when something is exciting, it’s easy to hyperfocus and stay on task for a long time.

Common Focus Challenges

ADHD can cause different focus problems for different people. Here are some common ones:
- Getting stuck on unimportant tasks: Hyperfocusing on something trivial and losing track of time.
- Trouble organizing things: Difficulty keeping work materials and documents in order.
- Easily distracted by thoughts: Frequently getting sidetracked by unrelated thoughts.
- Avoiding tasks that need a lot of focus: Hesitating to start tasks that require sustained attention.
- Struggling with instructions: Finding it hard to follow detailed instructions.
- Not paying attention to details: Overlooking small but important details.
- Getting sidetracked in conversations: Losing the thread of conversations easily.
- Making careless mistakes: Frequently making simple mistakes.
Understanding these challenges is important for finding the right strategies to improve focus.

Practical Tips for Focusing with ADHD

1. Break Down Big Tasks

Large projects can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable steps. List out these steps and set deadlines for each. Prioritize tasks by using a color-coded system, like marking urgent tasks in red and less urgent ones in green.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s task management features allow you to create detailed to-do lists and set deadlines. You can also color-code tasks and prioritize them easily within the app.

2. Schedule Regular Breaks

Regular breaks help prevent exhaustion. Here are some ideas for breaks:
- Listen to music: Play your favorite playlist for a quick mental refresh.
- Take a walk: A short walk can clear your mind and reduce stress. Try to walk in a natural setting for added benefits.
- Do breathing exercises: Simple breathing exercises can help calm your mind. For instance, try deep breathing techniques like the 4-7-8 method: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds.
- Stretch: Light stretching can relieve physical tension. Focus on stretches that target areas where you hold tension, such as your neck, shoulders, and back.
- Have a snack: A healthy snack can boost your energy. Opt for snacks that provide sustained energy, like nuts, fruits, or yogurt.
Set timers for breaks to avoid getting too distracted.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s Pomodoro Timer can help you schedule work and break intervals, ensuring you take regular breaks to maintain productivity without getting overwhelmed.

3. Keep a Thought Dump

Keep a notepad nearby to write down unrelated thoughts that pop up while working. This helps you remember important thoughts without getting distracted.
- Digital thought dump: Use apps like Brite's inbox task list to quickly jot down tasks and clear your mind.
- Review your thought dump: At the end of the day, go through your notes and decide which tasks need to be addressed and which can be discarded.
- Organize your thoughts: Categorize your notes into different sections like work, personal, and reminders to make them easier to manage.
How Brite Helps: Use Brite’s Inbox feature to quickly add tasks and ideas as they come to mind. This helps keep your head clear and your tasks organized in one place.

4. Use Body Doubling

Body doubling means having someone else with you while you work. They don’t need to help, just their presence can keep you focused. This can be in person or virtual.
- Virtual body doubling: Join online coworking sessions where people work together in silence, offering mutual accountability.
- Find a study buddy: Pair up with a friend or colleague who also needs to focus on tasks. Schedule regular sessions to work together.
- Use social apps: Platforms like Focusmate can connect you with virtual body doubles from around the world.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s collaboration tools allow you to share tasks and projects with colleagues, making it easier to work together and stay accountable.

5. Use Organizational Tools

Organizational tools can help you stay on track:
- Set reminders on your phone: Use alarms and reminders to keep track of tasks. Apps like Brite can send notifications for important deadlines.
- Use sticky notes: Place notes in visible places like your desk or fridge. Color-code them based on priority or category.
- Log dates in a calendar: Keep track of important dates and deadlines. Sync your calendar across devices to ensure you don't miss anything.
- Set alarms for work and breaks: Use timers to manage work sessions and breaks. Try the Pomodoro Technique: work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break.
- Keep a daily to-do list: Write down your tasks for the day to stay focused. Prioritize your list by marking high-priority tasks at the top.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s calendar integration and reminder features help you keep track of deadlines and important dates. You can also set alarms and create detailed to-do lists within the app.

6. Fidget or Doodle

Fidgeting can help you stay focused. Try:
- Doodling: Keep a sketchpad for doodling during long meetings. This can help keep your brain engaged without distracting others.
- Knitting: A repetitive task like knitting can help maintain focus. The rhythmic movement can be soothing and help you stay grounded.
- Chewing gum: Chewing gum can provide sensory stimulation. Choose a flavor that you find calming or refreshing.
- Using fidget toys: Small, quiet fidget toys can keep your hands busy. Options include stress balls, fidget spinners, and tactile putty.
- Fidget apps: Use apps designed to provide virtual fidgeting experiences, like fidget cubes and spinners.
Choose something that doesn’t distract you or others.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s Focus Mode can help minimize digital distractions, allowing you to concentrate better while using physical fidgeting aids.

7. Gamify Tasks

Turning tasks into games makes them more fun. Use apps like Habitica or Forest App, or make your own point system for rewards. For example, race the clock to finish chores.
- Habitica: Turn your tasks into RPG-style challenges and earn rewards for completing them.
- Forest App: Grow a virtual tree by staying focused, and create a virtual forest as you complete more tasks.
- Create personal challenges: Set timers and try to beat your previous records for completing tasks.
- Reward system: Create a point system where you earn points for completing tasks, which can be exchanged for rewards like a favorite snack or a leisure activity.
How Brite Helps: Use Brite’s goal-setting features to create and track your tasks as part of a game. You can set rewards for task completion to keep yourself motivated.

8. Optimize Your Environment

Create a workspace that helps you focus:
- Use noise-canceling headphones: Block out background noise. Listen to white noise or calming music if it helps you concentrate.
- Block distracting apps: Use app blockers to limit social media distractions. Apps like Freedom or StayFocusd can help.
- Keep only necessary materials on your desk: Clear your workspace of clutter. A clean desk can help clear your mind.
- Put your phone out of reach: Keep your phone away during work sessions. This reduces the temptation to check it frequently.
- Declutter regularly: Keep your workspace tidy. Regularly sort through and organize your materials to maintain a productive environment.
Experiment to see what works best for you.
How Brite Helps: Brite’s Focus Mode can block distracting notifications, helping you create a distraction-free environment.

Prioritize Self-Care

Good self-care improves focus. Ensure you:
- Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
- Exercise regularly: Physical activity can improve mental alertness. Even a short daily walk can make a big difference.
- Eat a balanced diet: Proper nutrition supports brain function. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet.
Talk to a professional if you have sleep problems or other health issues.

Getting Professional Help

Professional help can make a big difference. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps change unhelpful thoughts and habits. An ADHD coach can provide personalized strategies. Medication might also be part of your treatment plan.

Features of Brite for ADHD Focus

For those using the Brite app, here are some features that can help with ADHD focus:
- Pomodoro Timer with ADHD Setups: Break your work into intervals with customized Pomodoro timers designed for ADHD.
- Focus Mode for Tasks: A dedicated mode that minimizes distractions and helps you stay on task.
- Study Mode for Tasks: A special mode to help with studying, keeping you focused and organized.
- Inbox Task List for Brain Dump: Use the inbox task list to quickly jot down tasks and clear your mind. This helps keep you organized and reduces mental clutter.


Focusing with ADHD is possible with the right strategies. Break down tasks, take regular breaks, use organizational tools, and optimize your environment. Good self-care and professional help can also improve focus and productivity.